Oozhitoon Onishishin

- To make it Beautiful -

Ji Misawaabandaaming

How we envision our future, is a worldview of positive thinking.


In Pine Point, on the White Earth Reservation, we are hosting lacrosse games for our children, installing solar panels on public housing, and painting beautiful murals.We are excited to announce we have launched our new screen printing operations, beading, sewing and culture fashion at Pine Point.

Art, culture, and clean energy. A new future.

We develop new projects and ideas every day while staying focused on what is most sacred to us; our water and the wild rice harvesting. All we want is to live the good life the Creator gave us which reflects in our art.

We worked really hard over the past year to bring amazing cultural artwork to gifts and garments. In our art we demonstrated celebration of our “Water Protectors,” who are everywhere working hard to protect the lands, and water. 

We are very excited and cannot wait to show you what we will continue to bring through out the coming years.  New and fresh ideas, cultural iconic clothing  collection pieces, beadwork, embroidered patches and so much more. Our online shop for Honor the Earth proceeds go toward our initiatives to protect sacred lands, stop extreme fossil fuel extraction at the source by supporting frontline Native communities, art and cultural revitalization initiatives.